Currently viewing the category: "What is evolution in the context of career journeys?"

‘Be-do-have’ is a framework that people commonly use to measure their life.

Mostly people operate from either a ‘doing’ identity, or ‘having’ identity; i.e.I am good because I have this job. ‘Doing’ identity is I am good because I do this work. However these identities lock you up. If my identity is in ‘have’ then I get locked […]

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A ‘static” thinking practice is to think in terms of “be, do and have” – What do I want to be? What do I want to do? What do I want to have?

A ‘dynamic’ practice is to think in terms of – what is my “role” and what is my “contribution in that role”.


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What is Self-transformation?

On November 25, 2009 By

Self Transformation represents man’s capacity to “evolve” through experiences, reflection, feedback and guidance.

To evolve means to change one’s mind set, deep rooted habits, deeply held opinion/belief, style of engagement, identity description in a positive and conscious manner.

(Original Version – June 2009)

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An aviation engineer can either see himself as an “engineer” or he could see himself as being responsible for the safety of all the passengers in the plane.

When he sees himself as responsible for safety, it has re-defined his job from an “activity” to a “responsibility and a deep sense of contribution”.

In this […]

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The scope of Contribution is endless.

We may begin with a simple contribution where we help somebody accomplish their immediate goal, but we may build from there to create contributions that support thousands of people and change their lives in very deep ways.

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Take the example of a career development pathway of a project manager – he joins as a project manager, he has a team gets them together and gets it delivered.

After 5 years he is still a project manager.
He doesn’t have the capabilities to do development, or to do sales.

But does he […]

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Career Design then involves the dynamic interplay between our own aspirations and capabilities, wherein we are neither slave to our own whims and delusions of extraordinary talents nor are we slave to the world and its simplistic, and often de-humanizing, metrics of success.

(extract of “From Career Counseling to Career Design“, V. […]

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